New Patients

If you think you might be interested in setting up an initial appointment (psychiatric evaluation), please email me ( or call my cell.

The initial evaluation gives you a chance to express why you are interested in seeing a psychiatrist and for me to do the initial assessment or evaluation. At the conclusion of that initial appointment I will give you a recommendation of a treatment plan including a possible recommendation of psychotherapy and/or psychopharmacologic treatment (either or both). I will also review your prior medical and psychiatric history, and request medical records as appropriate, as well as order any clinical lab studies that might be relevant.

Although I frequently provide psychotherapy for patients in my practice, I also collaborate with other therapists in the community who refer patients to me and are providing much of the psychotherapy. In those situations, I feel coordination between providers is crucial for the best outcomes.

Evaluating children and adolescents is more complex, generally involving one or both parents, and the initial appointment may include just parent(s), or the parent(s) and child/adolescent together. Often, consultation with school professionals is also important The initial assessment is in many ways the beginning of an assessment process, as further appointments clarify both the history and concerns as well as the appropriate diagnoses. That is part of the ongoing process of therapy and treatment of psychiatric issues.